Look Deep For Fall Bass

Just because the leaves are changing colours and the days are getting shorter doesn't mean you can't still drop a line in the water and angle some bass. But at the same time, you have to know where and how to fish for bass, something that can be made much easier during the fall months by ensuring your tackle box is outfitted with the best fish attractant for bass. In this post, we'll discuss why bass often swim to deeper waters during the cooler fall months and what types of bait you should consider to reel more of them in. Here's a closer look:
Look Deep for Bass this Fall
Unlike the spring and summer months, where it's not uncommon to see large bass swimming in more shallow waters and closer to the dock, your best bet is to venture out to deeper waters to angle your catch in the fall.
Why? It's largely due to the changing diet and behaviour of bass at this time of the year. For example, during the fall months, bass tend to consume large amounts of crawfish - a high protein food that can help them continue to grow and develop during the cold winter months. Being that crawfish move at the bottom of the lake, this is where bass typically like to hang out.
Other factors will contribute to changing bass behaviour during the fall, which will lead them into deeper water - usually 15 to 25 feet below the surface, although some bass can go as deep as 40 feet below surface. With this in mind, you'll need to fish accordingly in these varying depths to have success. In the next section, we'll cover some of the tricks and tips to reel in more bass this autumn.
Best Fish Attractant for Bass
One strategy for catching bass during the fall months - or at any time of the year, is to encourage the fish to come to you. In other words, a fish attractant - such as BaitCloud - can have an immediate positive effect on your fishing. All you need to do is get to your fishing spot and toss the attractant into the water. Attractants are purpose-built to mimic a bass' feeding behaviour and increase your odds of landing a keeper.
Other Fishing Tips to Angle Fall Bass
- Fish at various depths: Like we noted earlier, fall bass like to hang out 15 to 25 feet below the surface of the water, so make sure that you're fishing in these depths.
- Cast and shake: Once you cast, it's a good idea to let your jig fall to the bottom of the lake. Then, gradually, reel it in so it's moving above the lake's floor. This will help grab the fish's attention in these deeper waters.
- Ensure constant movement: Make sure the bait is always moving to help capture the fish's attention. You don't want the bait to be standing still.